Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tongue Twister of the Day

You guys! You Guys!! Check it out!!!

I've never in my life seen such a thing!!!!

Bayou Billy here, and as I was just shutting off my giant fan boat for the day, I saw the ca-RAY-ziest thing on the other side of the river...
There were piranhas leaping sky-high out of the water, all snapping and flopping around, there must have been 50 if there was a dozen!!!

But then I noticed what they were after, and I couldn't believe my eyes!!! 
Those fish were fighting frogs with wings!!
I know, I know, it sounds crazy! But guys, really!! 

I saw it!!...
Five flying frogs

Five Flying Frogs Fought Fifty Fierce Fish

Fifty Fierce Fish

Well, that's my story, believe it if you want...
But try saying it five times fast before you make up your mind..

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fried Rice or Flied Lice? "R" vs. "L"

Fried Rice? Sounds yummy!! :)

Flied Lice?  Sounds nasty!!! :(

These two phrases are very close in pronunciation, but very far in meaning...

Fried food means it is cooked in a lot of oil. Not so healthy, but sooo tasty!

Flied is actually NOT an English word. Maybe something that flies in the sky?

Rice is a tasty grain that is very common. Everybody eats it!
(In some countries, they say "Have you eaten rice today?" instead of "How are you today?")

Lice is the plural word for a Louse, which is a small insect. It lives in people's hair!
(Lice for humans are like fleas for dogs, itchy, blood-sucking parasites!)

If you want to talk about a delicious dinner, say "R" 

f R i e d  R i c e

If you want to talk about a horrible flying bug, say "L"

f L i e d  L i c e

But HOW do we make these sounds?  WHAT is the difference between R and L sounds? hmmm......

Well, I'll tell you... it's WHERE your tongue is... the Front or the Back

When you say "R", your tongue LIFTS up, and moves to the BACK of your mouth.

       When you say "L", your tongue also LIFTS up, but moves to the FRONT of your mouth.

Go ahead...try it!  fRRRRRRied RRRRRRice (back)........fLLLLLLied LLLLLLice (front)


If you don't understand, 
             or if you want more practice,
                              or if you want to laugh)))))) 
 watch this video! 


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Many Cans of "Can"

I have a question for you....

      "Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?"

It's a very simple question... you either can or you can't!

This is a real sentence, with correct grammar, spelling and everything.
But for English students, this question may not be so simple, either to understand or say. 

As for English teachers, this can be a 10-30 minute lesson in grammar, pronunciation and just being silly!

First, let's look at the meaning...

Can you       Here, "Can" is a modal verb, asking the question 'do you have the           ability?' Can you do something?  

Can a Can    Here, we ask 'what is a can?' Like a can of soup, a can of beer, canned's a metal container, usually to keep food. That's a can. 

What does it mean to 'can a can?' Well, in factories, people make cans, or maybe they use a machine to put things inside a can. This is the meaning of can a can, an action verb meaning to put something in a can!

As a Canner        Just like a person who teaches is a teach-er and someone who works is a work-er, somebody who cans is a .....canner! AS a canner means LIKE a canner, or in a similar way to a canner.

Can                                             Modal verb of ability

Can                                          Action verb, to make a can 

a Can?                                A metal container for food or liquid            

So, I'll ask the question again...

        "Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?"

or in other words....         

Do you have the ability to put something in a can like a person whose job it is to put things in cans has the ability to put things in cans?

I agree, the first one is much easier to say..;)


          Try to say it...

                      Try to say it 2 times.....

                                     Now try 3 times!.....

                                                     Say it 3 times FAST!!!



If you have a friend to try this with, you can take turns asking the question and answering it...
For example:

Q: Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

A: Yes, I can can a can as a canner can can a can.


A: No, I can't can a can as a canner can can a can.

Teachers: For more information on methods of turning tongue twisters into ESOL lessons, stay tuned to this blog and look out for an upcoming e-book from the blogger.:)